Effectively Navigating User Journey with Bidirectional Dialog Flow in Chatbots

by Jeow Li Huan

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The user journey mentioned by Rudi Lim can be easily implemented on our chatbot platform by using the following structure in Microsoft Word

Product A (Chatbot title, heading 1)

Hi there, what would you like to know about product A? (Bot prompts user)

Features (User asks a query, heading 2)

Product A offers unique selling point X, unique selling point Y and unique selling point Z. (Bot provides an answer)

What would you like to know more about? (Bot asks to clarify)

USP X (User asks a query, heading 3)

The best X in the market

USP Y (User asks a query, heading 3)

The best Y in the market

USP Z (User asks a query, heading 3)

The best Z in the market

Where to buy (User asks a query, heading 2)

Product A is available at Flagship Store U, Online Store V and Physical Retail W (Bot provides an answer)

Support (User asks a query, heading 2)

Please reach us at email D, phone E or live chat (Bot provides an answer)

Have you seen any easier way to implement a chatbot? Let us know!


By Rudi Lim

Have you been thinking / designing the user journey for a conversation with chatbot? If you are, let’s talk and sharpen one another’s idea!

I have been struggling with the optimal way of constructing the user journey for a chatbot conversation. Before I jump the gun, let me provide some context, though. The chatbot in this case is catering to queries from multiple domains and broad-based topics. Since there are potentially unlimited forking and Q&A-looping, you could imagine the typical way of mapping a user journey from start (e.g. discovery) to end (eg.conversion) with some unhappy…

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