Meeting Customer Support Needs: Embracing Customer Self-Service

by Jeow Li Huan

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Are you meeting your customers where they want support? Vimalpreet Kaur Multani shared various channels that customers like to use, namely phone/voice, email, self-service, text messaging, social media, and video.

Providing customer self-service does not just benefit the customer by providing instant and around-the-clock support; it benefits your business’s bottom line by increasing customer retention, reducing the number of support calls and emails your team receives, and minimizing product returns or exchanges.

If you would like to provide customer self-service but have little time or resources to create it from scratch, PBrain is here to help. By leveraging your existing content from user manuals, FAQs, and other documentation, we can help you launch your customer self-service in just a few hours. Get in touch with PBrain today and take the first step towards better customer experiences and a more efficient support team.

Key customer service channels

By Vimalpreet Kaur Multani

Key Customer Service Channels

In today’s customer-centric world, it’s super important to meet the customers where they want support whether it’s over call, email, chat, text messages or even social media. So, let’s take a quick look at the channel, customers like to use and that businesses should support -

📞 Phone/Voice In today’s tech world, voice is still the top support channel out there. But it’s a little different than it was back in the day of rotary phones and landlines. Today, voice has become a digital channel like email or web chat

🖥 Email Email is the second most used service channel after phone support and with good reason. It’s convenient and makes it easy to look at full conversation and loop in others

👩‍🔧 Self-Service This channel is meant for customers who want to help…

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