The Importance of Maintaining Chatbots for Customer Engagement and Loyalty

by Jeow Li Huan

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Why is an effective chatbot important? An unhelpful chatbot

How to make an effective chatbot?

What are your strategies in making your chatbot effective? Share your experience in the comments!

Chatbot on phone

By Christoph Börner on Total Retail

Chatbot Lessons for Retailers: Maintaining Excellent CX Year-Round

It happens every year. In November and December, consumers who are overjoyed with the holidays spend more than they had planned. In fact, on Black Friday 2022, consumers spent a record $9.12 billion online. This excitement continues into January, as gift cards get spent and returns are made. Then, reality strikes as the post-holiday spending slump begins and retailers struggle to get rid of excess inventory.

Therefore, it’s crucial to make sure that even during the busiest days of the year, nothing compromises the simplicity, security and ease of buying on your e-commerce site; otherwise, your customers will go to a competitor…

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